The Neck(Cervical Region)

The cervical region is comprised of seven bones called vertebrae. The nerves (brachial nerves) exiting this region of the spine innervate the neck, shoulders and entire arms. This section of the website is divided into two parts, stretches and exercises. Stretching and exercising are integral components of any stage of a wellness program. The following web pages are designed to instruct on how to prevent and/or reduce pain to the neck and upper back. The key to achieving this goal is through improving function. Think of your overall well being as a three legged stool. Each leg of the stool is required to keep it from falling. The three legs of keeping the neck healthy are:

Structure – At times the boney structures of the neck can lose their normal function or position. Evaluation by a Doctor of Chiropractic can determine if this is a cause or part of the problem one experiences with neck pain.

Postural and Movement Awareness – Watching one’s posture will minimize stress on the soft tissue and boney structures of the neck. Remember your mother’s wise words, “Sit up straight.”

Strengthening – Exercise on a regular basis will keep the musculature of the neck and upper back from fatiguing which can cause altered function and lead to pain.

The goal of the following exercises and stretches are to increase coordination, flexibility, strength and endurance. All of these will help prevent injury and if injured, help with the recovery phase. Increasing the repetitions and sets will improve endurance. Increasing resistance while lowering the repetition will increase strength.


If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: severe sharp pain, unsteadiness on your feet, weakness, numbness, tangling, headache or dizziness please consult your physician. Be sure to consult your health care professional prior to starting this or any other exercise program.

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